Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today is my little boy's birthday. I can't believe he is already 2, but then again, I can't believe I will be 29 in 2 weeks. One more year to enjoy my 20's. Anyhow, back to Dominik. We celebrated his birthday on Sat at Smoky Mountain Pizza. It was a good time and Dominik loved seeing everyone and of course getting gifts. That John Deer tractor was from Grandma and Grandpa Thompson, Auntie Vena, and Uncle Tony. Once he saw that it wasn't a giant monster about to eat him, he started driving that thing around like a mad man. He would clap every time he crashed and wanted to drive some more. Grandpa Don has been taking him out to the yard to drive all over the place. It even has a little trailer that can be hooked up and judging from the pics I received via text, Dominik is having a blast and won't want to come back home. In case you don't know what I mean by that, he is staying at his grandparents house for a few days as we had planned because I was supposed to be in OR this week; that was cancelled.
Anyhow, Dominik was spoiled as usual but we all seemed to have a great time. He's one awesome little boy and I look forward to seeing him grow up over many years. Oh, and one more update, now that he's 2, he qualifies for free speech therapy, so hopefully he will start talking more like he's supposed to. Next Monday is his first appointment so we will see how it goes!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, I think many of you know that I found out I have arthritis in my spine. When I think of arthritis, I think of grandparents, not a 28 year old woman like myself. I definitely contribute the lack of cartilage and the presence of swelling and bone spurs to the 12 years I have spent in the military. All the heavy lifting and heavy equipment I've had to wear really did a number on me. My doctor recommended physical therapy to strengthen my back and hopefully relieve some of the pain so I said o.k., anything to ease this aggravating daily pain. At my first appointment I learned a lot of things and it's no wonder my back hurts almost all of the time. Not only do I have arthritis, but the left side of my hip is higher than the right and get this.... my thoracic and lumbar spine are rotated to the right. Hmmm... how that happened I don't know but it sucks. The muscle and tissues in the left side of my back are so tight that my physical therapists were even suprised. Now I have to do all these wonderful exercises and I get deep tissue rubs mixed with ultrasound therapy. Since all of that started, my back hurts even more. I guess it's not used to being forced into sitting the way it should be. Who knows what the deal is, but hopefully all this therapy will make it feel better. I'm not even 30 yet, so if this keeps up I'll have the body of a 60 year old in no time.
Ok, enough about that. Dominik got seen by the Health and Welfare folks for his speech issue. They said he's definitely behind on his communication skills so someone will be working with him to improve that. The good news is that he is way ahead on his motor skills such as walking stairs, jumping, stacking blocks etc. I know he's really a smarty pants and understands everything you say, he just doesn't want to talk for some reason. Last night they taught him how to sign "more" with his hands. He picked up on it right away and now does it when he wants more snacks or whatever. It's so darn cute!! I plan on teaching him a couple more signs and then hopefully he'll be talking soon.
Other than that, work and school and motherhood are keeping me extremely busy, so I haven't done anything fun or interesting. I guess I'll get ready for work tomorrow. Later!