Thursday, May 14, 2009


I know I haven't posted anything in a long time. I have become a procrastinator over the past couple years and yes, I know it's a bad thing. So updates, hmmm... Dominik is getting over a really nasty Supercold or something. I have been giving him nebulizer treatments for the past week and now he is on a steroid, but he is finally showing some improvment thank goodness. I passed my record physical fitness test yesterday so I'm happy about that since I was a bit worried. I'm pretty sore today though, but I'll get over it. These pics are from Dom at the city Easter egg hunt. He beat out all of the kids and got a full bucket of candy. Then he decided to try on my sandels and walk around the house. I was pretty impressed he could move in them considering how tall they are. Other than that, just keeping busy at work and getting ready to go to Ft. Lewis, WA for 2 weeks of annual training. My gracious step-mom and dad said they would watch my sweet pea during that time so I'm happy I won't have to worry about him being taken care of. Thanks you two!! Ok, so I guess I'm not that exciting right? I'm off to be lazy some more as if I haven't done that enough already. You're just here for the pics anyhow!


  1. Ahhh... the ole egg hunt. I stopped taking the kids to that after bringing home a bloodied child one year. From then on out it was home egg hunts. but, it looks like Dom fared pretty well. Glad to hear you passed your PT test. That's always a thrill. Your dad gets to do that in a couple weeks here too.
    Glad to hear Dom is feeling better finally. There are some nasty bugs out there. I'm looking forward to the end of school and getting to spend some quality time with Mr. D :0)

  2. Way to score on the candy! He's fast and tough like his Uncle Drew.
