Monday, January 5, 2009

Here it is!!

Here it is, my new blog. I've uploaded some Christmas pics for your enjoyment! Dominik has finally entered the terrible 2's and it's just 1 1/2 months early. I have banned him from eating out since he throws some sort of fit everytime for one reason or another. He also has a thing with NEEDING to push the cart around if we go to a store. If he can't do it, it just kills him and he gets an attitude. Oh well, I guess that stuff isn't too bad as he's still sweet most of the time.

I started another college class today, Food and Culture. It looks interesting and goes over foods in different cultures and how one type of meat can be taboo in one country, yet popular in another. I think this should be a relatively easy course to complete and it earns me a free paycheck from the Vet's Administration, so why not.

Anywho, check this blog from now on as the other one is done and over with. Hope all of you are having a great start to 2009!


  1. Well done! The blog looks great and I'm loving the new pics! Hope the class goes well. It actually sounds pretty interesting to me.

  2. Dom looks so grown up in that first picture! Too bad we barely missed each other a few weeks ago. Hope your class goes well!
