Thursday, March 12, 2009


So this morning I had my final session of divorce court. Juan failed to show up 3 times so the judge granted me my divorce and full custody of Dominik. I'm so thankful that I can raise my son to be a respectful, loving, kind human being who can contribute to society in a positive manner. I really feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off of me now that that's over. The assault trial is still in the future, but as long as Juan is behind bars, I feel safe. I'm so thankful to all of you who helped me through this difficult time and thanks for helping me with Dominik when you can. I know I will need to depend on some of you in the future when I have to go away for work so I hope I'm doing right by my baby boy. The Guard allows me to support him and takes care of us both when we're sick, so I guess it's worth it.
In other news, I turned 29 on Mar 9th. I can't believe I am in my last year of 20's and then the BIG 30 hits. It just doesn't seem like I can possibly be that old? Where has the time gone? It's crazy how it flies by faster and faster as you get older. The good part about me aging though is I really feel like I'm wiser (just as the saying goes). I am able to forgive people who have hurt me and I am not so quick to judge others whom I consider to have made bad decisions or have a completely different lifestyle that I may not agree with. I like that about myself and I have even noticed that I can calmy talk to a person no matter how angry I am.
Ok, what else. I will be moving into my own home soon so Dom and I will have our privacy back and we will quit driving my mom and Doug crazy. No, we don't do that, but it's still nice to have your own privacy. If any of you are in town, you will have to visit and see the place. You're invited anytime!!!
Other than that, speech therapy and daycare seem to be helping with Dom's speech. He says more, mine, why, and bye really well along with the stuff he said before. Slowly, but surely he's coming along and he is one of the sweetest little boys ever. He gives his daycare friends and workers hugs as we leave and anytime my mom or Doug leaves he gives them hugs and kisses. He even blows kisses to the dead animals hanging on the wall before bed. He's getting more and more awesome as he grows up. Oh, and last measurements at his 2 yr check up are weight-25 lbs and height-34". The Dr. said his height is average for his age, but he's small weight wise. There's no issue with that, but he's a lean, mean fighting machine.
Anyhow, I will get some pics taken of him this weekend and post them up since I know that's the real reason you all look at my blog. =0)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the positive news and attitude. It is amaing how things change as you get older and get a little more experience and perspective. Sounds like Dom is doing great. I DO know what it's like to be in other people's space. I lived with my ex inlaws for awhile and while I love them, it was tought. So, it will be really nice for you to be able to have your own space again. Things are looking up for you!
