Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm not going to name any names in this instance, but today I have to question how people can be so cruel to those they claim to love? I'm not only talking about 1 person in my thoughts, but a couple different ones. I can't possibly explain how completely tired I am of always being the person to put out the effort whether it's for a relationship or a friendship. I don't know why it is so difficult for someone to be courteous enough to let you know how they're doing or send a quick reply to an email they received from me, but apparently it's extremely difficult and time consuming beyond my comprehension. It's not like I have all day, every day to get a hold of people and keep in touch, but I at least make a genuine effort.
Today I want to make a vow to myself that I will try my best to keep... I will no longer give my love, time and energy to those who don't appreciate it or return it. That saying nice people finish last has some truth behind it because we allow others to take us for granted and to get away with doing whatever they want because they know they will be forgiven for it later on. I will still forgive, but I will not forget and I won't allow myself to fall into that trap again. If I'm that important to people, they can make the effort to be a part of my life as well. I'm done with pain, tears and feeling sorry for myself. No More!! And thank you to my best friend Krista who has always been there through thick and thin and to ALL of my family. None of you have ever treated me the way I described above so thank you for that. I hope one day I can be here for you if any of you ever need anything.


  1. Oh good, I think I'm off the hook since I'm family. If you ever did send me an e-mail, I never received it. But I know what you're talking about. I mean, honestly, how hard is it to answer a damn e-mail? I can forgive it every once in a while, but after at least three sent messages, and no replies, that's just rude. And people like us tend to keep our feelings inside, so they never even know that they're hurting us. I'm with you.

  2. I'm sorry you're getting dealt a raft of crap like that. I haven't checked your blog in a couple days and so was sad to see you were hurting. Hope your papa took you out someplace nice to spoil you for your b-day! It really stinks when someone you care about chooses to treat you badly. Just know that there ARE people who DO love you and value the person that you are!
