Thursday, May 14, 2009


I know I haven't posted anything in a long time. I have become a procrastinator over the past couple years and yes, I know it's a bad thing. So updates, hmmm... Dominik is getting over a really nasty Supercold or something. I have been giving him nebulizer treatments for the past week and now he is on a steroid, but he is finally showing some improvment thank goodness. I passed my record physical fitness test yesterday so I'm happy about that since I was a bit worried. I'm pretty sore today though, but I'll get over it. These pics are from Dom at the city Easter egg hunt. He beat out all of the kids and got a full bucket of candy. Then he decided to try on my sandels and walk around the house. I was pretty impressed he could move in them considering how tall they are. Other than that, just keeping busy at work and getting ready to go to Ft. Lewis, WA for 2 weeks of annual training. My gracious step-mom and dad said they would watch my sweet pea during that time so I'm happy I won't have to worry about him being taken care of. Thanks you two!! Ok, so I guess I'm not that exciting right? I'm off to be lazy some more as if I haven't done that enough already. You're just here for the pics anyhow!

Friday, April 10, 2009


So it seems Dominik's speech therapy and being in daycare full time is helping. Last night out of no where he pointed to a banana and said nana and he also put two words together and said "oh no". He's slowly coming along so I am excited for him. We are in our new house now and everything is almost put away. We are really enjoying our own place again and the location is awesome, right across from the police station.
Tomorrow I am taking Dom to the park where they are having an Easter Egg hunt so hopefully he will enjoy that. I won't be able to post any pics for awhile though because I don't have internet hooked up at my house yet. I want to see if I can afford it after I get my first water and power bills. Hopefully I can so I can get that cable/internet package. It's pretty boring watching Disney movies on DVD all night long.
Other than that, just STILL working and STILL going to school. Oh, and I'm hoping to win the lottery someday soon so I can pay off all my bills that I was stuck with. =0)
Hope you all have a great Easter weekend!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm So Excited!!

Well, I bet you are all wondering why I'm so excited. It's because on Wed, April 1st I get to move into my own place, and Dominik too of course. We are renting a big 2 bedroom, 2 bath house with custom cabinets and closets, all appliances, garage, and gas fireplace. It's really beautiful inside and only $600 per month. My favorite part is the 2 closets in my bedroom, one with a built in girlie vanity. Any of you are welcome to visit anytime for a tour. The downside is I have to pay for water and stuff, but hopefully it won't be too costly with just the two of us there. Also, Dom will start going to daycare full time but I think it will be good for him. He always has fun now with the other little boys and maybe it will help him with his speech. I applied for some free daycare money through a National Guard program so I should know if I qualify within the next week or two. Let's hope I do so I'm not completely broke each month! I guess that's all my big news for now. Dominik is doing great and is as sweet as always. I will get some pics posted of the new place soon so you can all be jealous. haha, just kidding.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So today Dominik cracked me up and once again showed me how smart he is. For breakfast I gave him some oatmeal and a mandarin orange which he normally loves, but for some reason he didn't want it this morning. Later in the morning he found a little bag of cookies that he kept bringing me to open. I kept telling him he needs to eat his orange first instead of so much junk food. Well he ate 1 slice and then the bowl and the rest of the orange disappeared. He again brought me the cookies as if to say he ate all of his orange. Well I found the bowl of oranges sitting behind the chair "hiding." I told him again to eat them so he took the bowl and disappeared for a minute. He again came back empty handed but still wanting his cookies. I asked him what he did with the orange and only got a look of innocence. I went down stairs into the kitchen and found the orange.

My sneaky little boy thought he could make his orange go away by putting it down the garbage disposal. I have to hand it to him though, he did a good job throwing each piece into the sink and then strategically placed the bowl next to the sink. Nice try angel!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So this morning I had my final session of divorce court. Juan failed to show up 3 times so the judge granted me my divorce and full custody of Dominik. I'm so thankful that I can raise my son to be a respectful, loving, kind human being who can contribute to society in a positive manner. I really feel like a ton of bricks have been lifted off of me now that that's over. The assault trial is still in the future, but as long as Juan is behind bars, I feel safe. I'm so thankful to all of you who helped me through this difficult time and thanks for helping me with Dominik when you can. I know I will need to depend on some of you in the future when I have to go away for work so I hope I'm doing right by my baby boy. The Guard allows me to support him and takes care of us both when we're sick, so I guess it's worth it.
In other news, I turned 29 on Mar 9th. I can't believe I am in my last year of 20's and then the BIG 30 hits. It just doesn't seem like I can possibly be that old? Where has the time gone? It's crazy how it flies by faster and faster as you get older. The good part about me aging though is I really feel like I'm wiser (just as the saying goes). I am able to forgive people who have hurt me and I am not so quick to judge others whom I consider to have made bad decisions or have a completely different lifestyle that I may not agree with. I like that about myself and I have even noticed that I can calmy talk to a person no matter how angry I am.
Ok, what else. I will be moving into my own home soon so Dom and I will have our privacy back and we will quit driving my mom and Doug crazy. No, we don't do that, but it's still nice to have your own privacy. If any of you are in town, you will have to visit and see the place. You're invited anytime!!!
Other than that, speech therapy and daycare seem to be helping with Dom's speech. He says more, mine, why, and bye really well along with the stuff he said before. Slowly, but surely he's coming along and he is one of the sweetest little boys ever. He gives his daycare friends and workers hugs as we leave and anytime my mom or Doug leaves he gives them hugs and kisses. He even blows kisses to the dead animals hanging on the wall before bed. He's getting more and more awesome as he grows up. Oh, and last measurements at his 2 yr check up are weight-25 lbs and height-34". The Dr. said his height is average for his age, but he's small weight wise. There's no issue with that, but he's a lean, mean fighting machine.
Anyhow, I will get some pics taken of him this weekend and post them up since I know that's the real reason you all look at my blog. =0)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm not going to name any names in this instance, but today I have to question how people can be so cruel to those they claim to love? I'm not only talking about 1 person in my thoughts, but a couple different ones. I can't possibly explain how completely tired I am of always being the person to put out the effort whether it's for a relationship or a friendship. I don't know why it is so difficult for someone to be courteous enough to let you know how they're doing or send a quick reply to an email they received from me, but apparently it's extremely difficult and time consuming beyond my comprehension. It's not like I have all day, every day to get a hold of people and keep in touch, but I at least make a genuine effort.
Today I want to make a vow to myself that I will try my best to keep... I will no longer give my love, time and energy to those who don't appreciate it or return it. That saying nice people finish last has some truth behind it because we allow others to take us for granted and to get away with doing whatever they want because they know they will be forgiven for it later on. I will still forgive, but I will not forget and I won't allow myself to fall into that trap again. If I'm that important to people, they can make the effort to be a part of my life as well. I'm done with pain, tears and feeling sorry for myself. No More!! And thank you to my best friend Krista who has always been there through thick and thin and to ALL of my family. None of you have ever treated me the way I described above so thank you for that. I hope one day I can be here for you if any of you ever need anything.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today is my little boy's birthday. I can't believe he is already 2, but then again, I can't believe I will be 29 in 2 weeks. One more year to enjoy my 20's. Anyhow, back to Dominik. We celebrated his birthday on Sat at Smoky Mountain Pizza. It was a good time and Dominik loved seeing everyone and of course getting gifts. That John Deer tractor was from Grandma and Grandpa Thompson, Auntie Vena, and Uncle Tony. Once he saw that it wasn't a giant monster about to eat him, he started driving that thing around like a mad man. He would clap every time he crashed and wanted to drive some more. Grandpa Don has been taking him out to the yard to drive all over the place. It even has a little trailer that can be hooked up and judging from the pics I received via text, Dominik is having a blast and won't want to come back home. In case you don't know what I mean by that, he is staying at his grandparents house for a few days as we had planned because I was supposed to be in OR this week; that was cancelled.
Anyhow, Dominik was spoiled as usual but we all seemed to have a great time. He's one awesome little boy and I look forward to seeing him grow up over many years. Oh, and one more update, now that he's 2, he qualifies for free speech therapy, so hopefully he will start talking more like he's supposed to. Next Monday is his first appointment so we will see how it goes!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, I think many of you know that I found out I have arthritis in my spine. When I think of arthritis, I think of grandparents, not a 28 year old woman like myself. I definitely contribute the lack of cartilage and the presence of swelling and bone spurs to the 12 years I have spent in the military. All the heavy lifting and heavy equipment I've had to wear really did a number on me. My doctor recommended physical therapy to strengthen my back and hopefully relieve some of the pain so I said o.k., anything to ease this aggravating daily pain. At my first appointment I learned a lot of things and it's no wonder my back hurts almost all of the time. Not only do I have arthritis, but the left side of my hip is higher than the right and get this.... my thoracic and lumbar spine are rotated to the right. Hmmm... how that happened I don't know but it sucks. The muscle and tissues in the left side of my back are so tight that my physical therapists were even suprised. Now I have to do all these wonderful exercises and I get deep tissue rubs mixed with ultrasound therapy. Since all of that started, my back hurts even more. I guess it's not used to being forced into sitting the way it should be. Who knows what the deal is, but hopefully all this therapy will make it feel better. I'm not even 30 yet, so if this keeps up I'll have the body of a 60 year old in no time.
Ok, enough about that. Dominik got seen by the Health and Welfare folks for his speech issue. They said he's definitely behind on his communication skills so someone will be working with him to improve that. The good news is that he is way ahead on his motor skills such as walking stairs, jumping, stacking blocks etc. I know he's really a smarty pants and understands everything you say, he just doesn't want to talk for some reason. Last night they taught him how to sign "more" with his hands. He picked up on it right away and now does it when he wants more snacks or whatever. It's so darn cute!! I plan on teaching him a couple more signs and then hopefully he'll be talking soon.
Other than that, work and school and motherhood are keeping me extremely busy, so I haven't done anything fun or interesting. I guess I'll get ready for work tomorrow. Later!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well, today was a horrible day. It started off at 9 am today when I went to court to meet the judge in my divorce. It was about a 3 minute meeting where nothing happened except for me receiving a new court date for 2 March. 2 MARCH!! That's over a month away. So here I am just waiting to see when it will be final. I was hoping it wouldn't drag out this long, but that's life. Also, my best friend Krista is getting divorced. Another thing I found out this morning. It seems her husband of approx 10 yrs decided he didn't love her anymore. She then looked at his email and saw that he had been emailing other women looking to cheat if he hasn't already. That was deja vu for me as that exact thing had been happening to me for the past 2 years! What is it with men!! I know there are good ones out there, but someone please show me where they are. I really didn't think my own fairy tale of lasting love and a wonderful family was too much to ask, but apparently it is. Why do people have to be so cruel and thoughtless, especially to those they claim to love so dearly. I don't think I will ever understand it and my idea of NEVER getting deeply involved with another man is affirmed with Krista getting divorced. Well, I guess that's enough bitching for now, I just had to get that off my chest. I really feel as though I am building up a lot of anger towards men and people in general and it's probably not a good thing. I was offered some free counseling by my case worker after the incident with Juan, and I'm thinking I might need a couple of sessions. I thought I could handle it all on my own, but things just keep going the opposite direction that I need them to and I don't want to become a bitter, depressed person. I try and think of all the blessings in my life like family and Dominik, but those things have been getting overshadowed a lot by all this legal bullcrap and my continuing struggle to lose the weight I put on over the last 6 months due to my relationship that I was in. If anyone reading this pray, please say one for me to get through all this without losing my sanity.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Well today is my younger bro's birthday, except he's not that young anymore. It seems like he should still be in highschool, but he's been past that stage of life for years now. Maybe I think of him at that age still because he doesn't look like he has aged much since then. That's one good thing about our family is we keep our youth for awhile and we look younger than we are. Anyhow Drew, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I wish we could all be there to celebrate with you but know we are thinking about you today. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and don't have to work too hard. I also hope your new job is going well and that Alicia and Korven are doing great. You take care and don't eat too much cake! Love ya.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Here it is!!

Here it is, my new blog. I've uploaded some Christmas pics for your enjoyment! Dominik has finally entered the terrible 2's and it's just 1 1/2 months early. I have banned him from eating out since he throws some sort of fit everytime for one reason or another. He also has a thing with NEEDING to push the cart around if we go to a store. If he can't do it, it just kills him and he gets an attitude. Oh well, I guess that stuff isn't too bad as he's still sweet most of the time.

I started another college class today, Food and Culture. It looks interesting and goes over foods in different cultures and how one type of meat can be taboo in one country, yet popular in another. I think this should be a relatively easy course to complete and it earns me a free paycheck from the Vet's Administration, so why not.

Anywho, check this blog from now on as the other one is done and over with. Hope all of you are having a great start to 2009!